Border Security and Enforcement
FACTSHEET: Post-Title 42 Border Numbers Confirm Mayorkas’ Shell Game, Unprecedented National Security Crisis
Chairman Green on Fox News: Secretary Mayorkas is Using the CBP One App to Mask the Real Crisis at the Border
ICYMI: “Safe Assumption” China, Russia, Other Adversaries Want to Exploit Southwest Border Crisis
Subcommittee Chair Pfluger: “The Chaos of the Southwest Border Could be Taken Advantage of By Anti-U.S. Regimes”
Subcommittee Hearing on Threats Posed to the Homeland by Nation-State Actors in Latin America
WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: Homeland Republicans Launch Mayorkas Investigation With Preliminary Report, Full Committee Hearing
MEDIA ADVISORY: Pfluger Announces Hearing on Threats Posed to the Homeland by Nation-State Actors in Latin America
Chairman Green on Secretary Mayorkas’ Dereliction of Duty at the Border: “The American People Are Not Safe”
ICYMI: Former DHS Officials Outline Secretary Mayorkas’ Dereliction of Duty for Homeland Republicans
Chairman Green: “Alejandro Mayorkas Has Been Derelict in His Duty as the United States Secretary of Homeland Security”
Chairman Green & Homeland Security Members Announce Release of Preliminary Report on Secretary Mayorkas’ Dereliction of Duty
Full Committee Hearing to Examine Secretary Mayorkas’ Dereliction of Duty
Press Conference Advisory: Chairman Green & Homeland Members to Announce Investigation into Secretary Mayorkas
Chairman Green Slams Mayorkas’ Border Crisis Shell Game
Chairman Green Announces Comprehensive Investigation, Full Committee Hearing to Examine Secretary Mayorkas’ Dereliction of Duty
ICYMI: Homeland Republicans Get Answers From Biden Admin Officials on Mayorkas’ Post-Title 42 Shell Game
Subcommittee Chair Pfluger: We Cannot Allow Criminal Cartels to Operate With Impunity
Pfluger to Lead Subcommittee Hearing on Transnational Criminal Organizations
Subcommittee Chairman Higgins Slams Biden Admin’s Use of the CBP One App: “Misleading By Design”
Higgins to Lead Subcommittee Hearing on Biden Admin’s Failure to Prepare for the End of Title 42