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Border Security and Enforcement

May 19, 2022

Committee Clears Republican Bills to Protect CBP Frontline Personnel & Push Back Against China’s Influence

May 18, 2022

The Biden Administration is Breaking All of the Wrong Records

April 28, 2022

Katko Opening Statement in DHS Budget Request Hearing

April 28, 2022

Katko on Fox Business: The Southern Border is on Fire

April 20, 2022

Katko Bill to Improve ICE’s Shadow Wolves Program & Secure Southern Border Signed into Law

April 19, 2022

BREAKING: Biden Border Crisis Hits One MILLION Encounters in Only SIX Months

April 14, 2022

Katko on Fox News: A Surge is Inevitable After Title 42 is Gone

April 06, 2022

Katko on Fox Business: We’re Going to have Real Chaos at the Border

April 06, 2022

Katko: The Biden Administration Has Created an Untenable Situation

April 05, 2022

House Passes Homeland Bills to Secure Southern Border & U.S. Supply Chain

April 01, 2022

Katko: Ending Title 42 is Throwing Gasoline On a Raging Fire

March 29, 2022

Katko: Biden Budget Fails Americans Again

March 22, 2022

Katko & Comer Blast DHS for Hiding Information About Terrorists Apprehended at the Border

March 18, 2022

“Startling Stats 16.0” Highlights Border Encounters Continue to Rise

March 14, 2022

Katko on the Annual ICE Report Finally Being Released

March 09, 2022

Katko Legislation to Improve ICE Shadow Wolves Program to Secure Southern Border Passes House

March 02, 2022

Higgins Opening Statement in Remain in Mexico Policy Hearing

February 23, 2022

“Startling Stats 15.0” – the Biden Border Crisis is Out of Control

February 15, 2022

Meijer, Katko, and House Republicans Demand Answers from Biden Administration on Failed Open Border Policies

January 26, 2022

“Startling Stats 14.0” Biden’s Border Crisis Continues With No End In Sight