Border Security and Enforcement
Rogers Statement on McAleenan Resignation
Rogers Statement on FY2019 Border Enforcement Data
Rogers: Trump Administration is Acting Alone to Manage Border Crisis, House Democrats Have Done Nothing
Rogers: House Democrats Putting Illegal Immigrants In Front of Service Members, Vets
Rogers: Congress Should Work to Prevent Another Border Crisis, Not Pander to Democrat Base
Rogers Statement on New Trump Rule to Close Loophole Driving Border Crisis
ICYMI: Democrats Dismiss Efforts to Protect Children, Uphold Rule of Law, Protect Law Enforcement
Rogers Statement on H.R. 2203 at Homeland Security Markup
Rogers: Democrats Ramming Through Far-Left, Open-Border Bill
Rogers Statement on Third-Country Asylum Rule
Rogers Leads Charge Against Open-Border Policies
Rogers Votes for Bipartisan Border Supplemental
Rogers: Democrats Chose to Appease the Radical Left and Reject Bipartisan Consensus
ICYMI: Rogers Joins C-SPAN’s Newsmakers, Talks Border, Iran
House Democrats Block Humanitarian Border Crisis Funding for 17th Time
BLOCKED: Democrats Block Humanitarian Border Aid For Third Time
Rogers Statement on Immigration Agreement with Mexico
Rogers: H.R. 6 Rewards Illegal Immigrants, Ignores Border Crisis
Democrats Again Reject Humanitarian Border Aid
Rogers Statement on Disaster Supplemental Vote