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Border Security and Enforcement

November 08, 2019

ICYMI: Democrats obsessed with impeachment, ignore border crisis

November 04, 2019

Rogers Leads Lawmakers to Rio Grande Valley

October 11, 2019

Rogers Statement on McAleenan Resignation

October 09, 2019

Rogers Statement on FY2019 Border Enforcement Data

September 27, 2019

Rogers: Trump Administration is Acting Alone to Manage Border Crisis, House Democrats Have Done Nothing

September 26, 2019

Rogers: House Democrats Putting Illegal Immigrants In Front of Service Members, Vets

September 25, 2019

Rogers: Congress Should Work to Prevent Another Border Crisis, Not Pander to Democrat Base

August 21, 2019

Rogers Statement on New Trump Rule to Close Loophole Driving Border Crisis

July 17, 2019

ICYMI: Democrats Dismiss Efforts to Protect Children, Uphold Rule of Law, Protect Law Enforcement

July 17, 2019

Rogers Statement on H.R. 2203 at Homeland Security Markup

July 17, 2019

Rogers: Democrats Ramming Through Far-Left, Open-Border Bill

July 15, 2019

Rogers Statement on Third-Country Asylum Rule

July 12, 2019

Rogers Leads Charge Against Open-Border Policies

June 27, 2019

Rogers Votes for Bipartisan Border Supplemental

June 25, 2019

Rogers: Democrats Chose to Appease the Radical Left and Reject Bipartisan Consensus

June 24, 2019

ICYMI: Rogers Joins C-SPAN’s Newsmakers, Talks Border, Iran

June 19, 2019

House Democrats Block Humanitarian Border Crisis Funding for 17th Time

June 11, 2019

BLOCKED: Democrats Block Humanitarian Border Aid For Third Time

June 08, 2019

Rogers Statement on Immigration Agreement with Mexico

June 05, 2019

Rogers: H.R. 6 Rewards Illegal Immigrants, Ignores Border Crisis