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VP Harris Finally Agrees to Visit Border, Katko Proposes Itinerary

June 24, 2021

VP Harris Finally Agrees to Visit Border, Katko Proposes Itinerary

WASHINGTON, DC – With Vice President Kamala Harris finally agreeing to visit the southwest border, Rep. John Katko (R-NY), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, shared a proposed itinerary for the trip.

Having visited the border multiple times, Katko urged the Vice President to visit the border wall and learn about its effectiveness, go to a detention center and meet with border patrol agents who have been pulled away from national security duties, hear about the record amount of drugs pouring across the border, and meet with local law enforcement who have been stretched thin because of the federal government’s failure to secure the border.

As a former federal organized crime prosecutor who took cartels and transnational criminal organizations head on, Katko has seen firsthand the importance of strong border security. Denying a crisis exists for political expediency and waiting over 150 days to actually visit the border is a tragic failure of leadership. The American people deserve better, and the House Homeland Security Committee will continue sounding the alarm and providing solutions to fix this crisis once and for all.

View the itinerary here.
