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ICYMI: Katko on the Troubling Pattern of Lawlessness Across the Country

March 7, 2022

ICYMI: Katko on the Troubling Pattern of Lawlessness Across the Country

WASHINGTON, DC – Rep. John Katko (R-NY), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, issued the following statement regarding historic levels of crime in the United States, as violent criminals continue to be emboldened by Democrats’ soft-on-crime policies and a lack of consequences:

“The atmosphere that the far left has perpetuated is creating a sense of lawlessness across our country. Law enforcement officers are experiencing some of the most violent working conditions in years, which is causing many to leave and retire in record numbers. Progressive prosecutors and state legislators are making it more difficult for cops to do their jobs while allowing lawlessness to pervade.

“While President Biden finally acknowledged in his State of the Union Address that it’s time to fund the police instead of defunding the police, he failed to address the levels of rising crime across the country or put forward any concrete actions that will support and invest in our law enforcement. It’s time to rein in these rogue prosecutors who have a duty to enforce the law yet only uphold certain laws that fit their political agendas. Our job, our duty, as Americans is to keep our citizens safe.”

Read Ranking Member Katko’s op-ed in The Hill on how the far left is responsible for the significant levels of rising crime occurring across the country.
