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Katko Blasts Decision to Extend Northern Border Restrictions

July 22, 2021

Katko Blasts Decision to Extend Northern Border Restrictions

WASHINGTON, DC— Rep. John Katko (R-NY), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, blasted the Biden Administration’s decision to extend northern border restrictions until at least August 21, deviating from Canada’s plans to ease border restrictions at the beginning of August.

“Another day, another hypocritical policy out of the Biden Administration. As Canada’s vaccination rate surpassed that of the U.S. this week, President Biden announced an extension of restrictions at the northern border as a ‘public health precaution.’ Meanwhile, the Administration has discussed plans to end Title 42 authority at the southern border, and our nation has seen an unprecedented number of illegal encounters as a result of President Biden’s open border policies. These decisions are clearly not founded in any concern for public health as COVID cases skyrocketed 900% in the Rio Grande Sector and CBP has clocked 1.1 million illegal encounters this year. This inequity is nonsensical and continues to hamper local economies and even the travel of vaccinated Americans. President Biden’s backwards policies are threatening the safety, health and economic security of all Americans.”

Even Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has called on the Biden Administration to instate a reopening policy that mirrors that of Canada in order to facilitate an economic recovery in northern border communities.
