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Rogers Announces New Press Hire

January 29, 2019

Rogers Announces New Press Hire

nicole-hagerWashington — House Homeland Security Committee Ranking Member Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) today announced that Nicole Hager will be joining his team as press secretary.

Homeland Security Committee Republicans have a robust agenda for the 116th Congress we need to do everything we can to keep America safe, which includes addressing the humanitarian crisis at our southern border through an all-of-the-above border system, Rogers said. Nicole is a strong communicator and I am confident she is ready to push our message and tackle these critical issues head on.

Hager comes to the committee from the Senate Finance Committee under Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), where she served most recently as press secretary and acting communications director. During her time at Senate Finance she played a critical role in passing tax reform in 2017, as well as guiding press strategy on complex trade and health care issues. Prior to her work at the Finance Committee, she worked for Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) as deputy press secretary.


Contact: Nicole HagerĀ 