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What They Are Saying on Shocking New CBP One App Documents Obtained by Homeland Republicans Showing Mayorkas’ “Smokescreen for the Mass Release of Individuals”

October 25, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C.—On Friday, House Homeland Security Committee Republicans finally obtained information and documents from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) regarding the expanded use of the CBP One app. Under Secretary Mayorkas’ leadership, DHS released hundreds of thousands of otherwise inadmissible aliens into the United States. These documents and information come after months of stonewalling from the Department, arriving just minutes before the deadline given in the Committee’s most recent letter, which threatened a subpoena for the information.
The documents show 278,431 appointments scheduled through the CBP One app between Jan. 12, 2023, and Sept. 30, 2023, with 266,846 inadmissible aliens released into the interior. There are extremely troubling numbers among the overall statistics, including Russian and Venezuelan nationals who made appointments and were released on parole at a rate of 94 percent 97 percent respectively.
Here’s What the Media Is Saying:


The National Desk via KATU2 ABC

“As global tensions are rising, U.S. enemies are growing bolder and agents are getting alerts of terrorists sneaking across the southern border. Over 100,000 inadmissible foreign nationals have been released into the U.S. according to the House Homeland Security Committee. 

They reported that these illegal immigrants are manipulating the Biden administration’s CBP One app by using a virtual private network to evade geographic requirements. There have been nearly 94% of Russians and 88% of Chinese nationals admitted into the U.S.”

Nathan Worcester via The Epoch Times

“Republicans on the House Homeland Security Committee have found that 95.8 percent of aliens who sought appointments through the government’s mobile app for immigrants in recent months were released into the country on parole with a Notice to Appear (NTA). That’s more than 266,000 otherwise inadmissible individuals out of more than 278,000 who scheduled appointments, according to documents the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) provided the committee covering the period Jan. 12 through Sept. 30 of 2023. 

“These numbers are proof that [DHS Sec. Alejandro] Mayorkas’ operation is a smokescreen for the mass release of individuals into this country who would otherwise have zero claim to be admitted,” said committee chair Rep. Mark Green, M.D. (R-Tenn.) in a statement on the release of the Customs and Border Protection One (CBP One) app statistics.”

Virginia Allen via The Daily Signal

“The Biden administration has released into the country nearly all the inadmissible aliens who scheduled appointments through its CBP One mobile application so far this year, according to new information obtained by the House Homeland Security Committee.

Between Jan. 12 and Sept. 30, fully 95.8% of the illegal aliens who scheduled appointments to claim asylum through the CBP One app were issued a “Notice to Appear” and then were paroled into the interior of the U.S.  

“Secretary [Alejandro] Mayorkas has utterly abused the CBP One app in his quest for open borders,” Rep. Mark Green, R-Tenn., the House committee’s chairman, said in a written statement.  

Green’s committee obtained a document from the Department of Homeland Security showing that 278,431 appointments were scheduled for illegal immigrants through CBP One over nearly nine months, and 266,846 of them were released into the country on parole.”

Ben Whedon via Just the News

“The materials thus far obtained by the committee indicate that DHS admits nearly all of the inadmissible aliens who arrive at points of entry with an appointment made through CBP One. Between Jan. 12, 2023, and Sept. 30, 2023, more than 278,431 appointments were made through the app, with roughly 95.8% of individuals securing parole into the U.S. interior. Those 266,846 entrants each received a “Notice to Appear” before an immigration court before entering the country. 

The high rate of parole prompted Chairman Mark Green, R-Tenn., to declare that DHS “Secretary [Alejandro] Mayorkas has utterly abused the CBP One app in his quest for open borders.””

Spencer Brown via Townhall

“The Biden administration’s Department of Homeland Security, specifically Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has “utterly abused” the “CBP One” app used by illegal immigrants to continue releasing a staggering number of “inadmissible aliens” into the United States with a “notice to appear” for adjudication in the future.

This revelation comes courtesy of the House Homeland Security Committee and its repeated attempts to break through stonewalling from DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas which were finally successful this week in obtaining the data on how CBP One app users are handled by the Biden administration.

The data and documentation finally obtained by House lawmakers covers the period from January 12, 2023 and September 30, 2023, and it shows that 95.8 percent of 278,431 “inadmissible aliens” who used — or were pre-booked by cartels through — the CBP One app to schedule appointments with border agents were released into the United States by the Biden administration. That is, 266,846 illegal immigrants who the Biden administration knows are considered “inadmissible” were released — admitted if you will — into the United States.”

Tristan Justice via The Federalist

“Republicans on the House Homeland Security Committee also outlined new numbers on how many migrants have successfully exploited the app to gain entry.

“Overall, 95.8 percent of all inadmissible aliens who scheduled appointments through the app during this time were ultimately issued a ‘Notice to Appear’ (NTA) and released into the United States on parole,” a press release read. With more than 278,000 appointments scheduled, nearly 267,000 individuals were set free in the United States. Among those released include nearly 56,000 Venezuelans, nearly 20,000 Russians, nearly 2,000 Uzbeks, nearly 800 Belarusians, more than 200 Afghans, 32 Chinese, and 16 Iranian nationals.

“Secretary [Alejandro] Mayorkas has utterly abused the CBP One app in his quest for open borders,” said House Homeland Security Chairman Mark Green.”


Fox News’ Adam Shaw via Twitter


NTD News’ Catherine Wen via Twitter


The Texan’s Hayden Sparks via Twitter


In Addition to the Media:

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) published a blog detailing the Committee’s findings:

“The new documents were obtained after the Committee sent repeated requests (dating back to early June) to DHS for more information regarding the expanded use of the CBP One app. The Committee was stonewalled multiple times by DHS, and only received a response after Chairman Green raised the possibility of subpoenaing Secretary Mayorkas on October 13. After viewing the data in DHS’ response, it is clear why the department was reluctant to comply.

The CBP One app has been a subject of scrutiny from the House Homeland Security Committee since the Biden Administration chose to expand its use. In June of 2023, Chairman Green and Congressman Higgins wrote a letter to Secretary Mayorkas stating, “What began as a streamlined system for customs and inspections has turned into a scheduling system for illegal aliens at our Southwest border.” The CBP One app is now used to foster the mass release of illegal aliens under the guise of a “lawful” pathway.”

Through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) also received new records from DHS documenting the expansive misuse of the CBP One app:

“DHS’s uncharacteristically candid disclosures to CIS may have something to do with the fact that House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green (R-Tenn.) had apparently been seeking similar information, only in his case backed up by a subpoena threat.

“Because these approved entrances have remained unknown to the American public, the Biden administration has not been questioned about whether it conducted enhanced security screening for these migrants (as was the practice with those caught crossing illegally) before affirming them for parole through ports.”

Number USA’s Grant Newman via Twitter