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Katko: Our Border Patrol Agents Deserve Better Than This

June 16, 2022

Katko: Our Border Patrol Agents Deserve Better Than This

WASHINGTON, DC – Rep. John Katko (R-NY), Ranking Member of the house Committee on Homeland Security, released the following demanding answers from the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) and Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) investigation into the Del Rio horse patrol unit agents.

“I’d like to see more support from the Department and the Biden administration for the tireless work they have put on our Border Patrol agents, and less vilifying and blaming. After wasting no time in slandering our nation’s Border Patrol agents, Secretary Mayorkas and President Biden publicly convicted the Del Rio horse patrol unit before bothering to get the full story. Even the photographer responsible for capturing the photos acknowledged the images were ‘misconstrued’ and taken out of context.

“As a former federal prosecutor, I am a firm believer that those who commit a crime should be held accountable. But even more so, I am a firm believer in due process. Despite being cleared of any criminal wrongdoing by DHS’ Office of the Inspector General and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) through their investigations, Secretary Mayorkas was desperate to punish these agents. I demand DHS release the full report to Congress immediately. Our Border Patrol agents deserve better than this. Full stop.”
