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Rogers Statement on Disaster Supplemental Vote

June 3, 2019

WASHINGTON – Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee, today released a statement after he voted in favor of a disaster supplemental package that contained funding for disaster relief for communities hit by natural disasters, including tornadoes.

“This legislation will provide much needed relief for communities that have been hurt by natural disasters, from hurricanes, to wildfires, to tornadoes, like the ones that hit Alabama hard earlier this year. While I supported this bill to help disaster victims, I am deeply disappointed that it did not include any of the administration’s requested $4.5 billion in emergency funding to address the humanitarian crisis at our southwest border.

“Just last week the DHS inspector general released a report showing migrants crammed so tightly into a Border Patrol facility near El Paso that it presented health and safety risks. This report is just the latest reflection of the dire humanitarian conditions. Democrats yet again squandered an opportunity to provide the administration with the resources it needs to house and process migrants in an acceptable fashion. They are quick to point fingers, but have proposed zero solutions to address this crisis.”

Background: On Friday, the DHS Office of Inspector General released a report finding that a Border Patrol Facility in El Paso was holding 750-900 migrants in a space designed for 125 migrants.
