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House Homeland Security Committee Advances Bipartisan Legislation to Honor Fallen CBP Agent Michel Maceda, Enhance Border Security, Counter Transnational Repression

April 10, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Today, House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Mark E. Green, MD (R-TN) released the following statement after the Committee advanced legislation to honor fallen Air and Marine Operations (AMO) agent Michel Maceda (H.R. 5302), enhance border security (H.R. 7404H.R. 7832), and counter transnational repression (H.R. 7443H.R. 7433H.R. 7439):

I am proud of our Committee’s bipartisan work to advance important bills that enhance border security by mandating additional transparency to counter illicit cross-border tunnel operations and the use of innovative technologies to close capability gaps in border security operations. The Committee also unanimously passed legislation to honor the courageous service and ultimate sacrifice of Air and Marine Operations Agent Michel Maceda, who lost his life while working to secure our homeland. As a fellow Army veteran, I am deeply appreciative of Agent Maceda’s commitment to answering the call of duty, and I am proud to commemorate his legacy.

Additionally, I am proud this Committee advanced multiple pieces of legislation to counter transnational repression on U.S. soil. Over the last year, we have heard testimony from dissidents who have been horrifically targeted by authoritarian regimes that seek to undermine our nation’s sovereignty and freedom of speech. From clandestine police stations run by the Chinese Communist Party to Iranian influence campaigns and assassination plots, this hostile activity has exposed the urgent need for bipartisan congressional action. I am grateful for Subcommittee Chairman Pfluger’s leadership in addressing these threats and safeguarding dissident voices. I look forward to these measures advancing on the floor. 

Legislation reported out of the Committee includes:

  • H.R. 7404, The “Subterranean Border Defense Act,” introduced by Rep. Eli Crane (R-AZ)
  • H.R. 7433, The “Law Enforcement Support and Transnational Repression Act,” an amendment in the nature of a substitute offered by Rep. Anthony D’Esposito (R-NY), agreed to
  • H.R. 7443, The “Countering Transnational Repression Act of 2024,” an amendment in the nature of a substitute offered by Rep. August Pfluger (R-TX), agreed to
  • H.R. 7439,The “Strengthening State and Local Efforts to Counter Transnational Repression Act,” an amendment in the nature of a substitute offered by Rep. Magaziner (D-RI), agreed to
  • H.R. 7832, The “Emerging Innovative Border Technologies Act,” introduced by Rep. Jose Correa (D-CA)
  • H.R. 5302, The ‘‘Michel O. Maceda Memorial Act,” introduced by Rep. Jenniffer González-Colón (R-PR)

On the advancement of the Countering Transnational Repression Act of 2024, Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement, and Intelligence Chairman August Pfluger said:

Congress must ensure that American citizens are safeguarded against intimidation and repression orchestrated by malign entities worldwide like the Chinese Communist Party and the Iranian regime, whose flagrant disregard for human rights and free speech has escalated in recent years. My bipartisan legislation, the Countering Transnational Repression Act of 2024, ensures that DHS, particularly Homeland Security Investigations, takes steps to recognize, assess, and counter threats to American citizens. I am proud to see the House Homeland Security Committee act by marking up these measures today in a significant step towards protecting Americans and holding authoritarian regimes accountable.

On the advancement of the Law Enforcement Support and Transnational Repression Act, Subcommittee on Emergency Management and Technology Chairman Anthony D’Esposito said:

Safeguarding American citizens from transnational repression must remain at the forefront of our nation’s homeland security strategy and I was proud to introduce the Law Enforcement Support and Transnational Repression Hotline Act, which is critical legislation that will help educate the public about transnational repression and better connect victims of transnational repression with federal support. I am glad to see my Law Enforcement Support and Transnational Repression Hotline Act advanced in the House Homeland Security Committee, and I urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to join Chairman Mark Green and I in supporting this important legislation.

On the advancement of the Subterranean Border Defense Act, Rep. Eli Crane said:

Effective border security is created by overlapping deterrents. My legislation would help ensure that Congress has the necessary data to forge another much-needed layer of defense—especially when the Biden Administration has left our country inexcusably vulnerable. I’m grateful to Chairman Green for his support of this bill and for his distinguished leadership on the Committee.

On the advancement of the Michel O. Maceda Memorial Act, Rep. González-Colón said:

Marine Interdiction Agent Michel O. Maceda is a true hero who selflessly made the ultimate sacrifice while protecting our communities from drug traffickers.  His death is a solemn reminder of the dangers our CBP agents face each day to secure our nation’s land and maritime borders.  We will always be grateful for his bravery and commitment to public safety. I want to thank Chairman Mark Green and the members of the House Homeland Security Committee for advancing my bipartisan bill to rename the CBP Air and Marine Operations Mayagüez Marine Unit in Puerto Rico in honor of Agent Maceda. This would be a fitting tribute to his legacy of service, and I look forward to continuing working together to get the legislation across the finish line.” 
