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Rep. Dale Strong: “China is using Biden’s cartel-controlled border to infiltrate our country”

September 25, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. — This week, Rep. Dale Strong, (R-AL) penned an op-ed for The Washington Examiner on how China is using Biden’s cartel-controlled border to infiltrate our country. Read highlights of the op-ed below.

The CCP is not only taking advantage of our open border but is lining the pockets of the cartels in the process. One report found that three Chinese nationals each paid $35,000 to cartels to smuggle them across the border in February 2023. Some Texas officials have said this is just a baseline and that some Chinese nationals may pay cartels as much as $50,000. One chief patrol agent told the committee he had seen reports of $60,000 payments.

To put these numbers in perspective, if every one of the 17,678 Chinese nationals apprehended illegally crossing the border so far in fiscal 2023 paid the cartels $35,000, the total revenue from smuggling these people into the country would be approximately $618 million. If each of the people paid $50,000 to be smuggled in, the revenue by the cartels would increase to approximately $880 million.

This revenue stream goes on to inflict further damage to our national and regional security by enabling the various cartels to continue expanding their influence in Latin America and striking fear into the hearts of government officials and innocent citizens.

Read the full op-ed here.
