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Katko: U.S. Must Stand In Support of the Cuban People

July 14, 2021

Katko: U.S. Must Stand In Support of the Cuban People

WASHINGTON, DC— Rep. John Katko (R-NY), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, issued the following statement in response to Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas’ hypocritical stance on refusing Cuban refugees, fleeing a dangerous Communist regime, to claim asylum in the United States:

“It is imperative that the United States stand in support of the Cuban people and their fight for freedom. From Freedom Flights in the 1960s and 1970s to the Mariel boatlift in 1980, over the years we have welcomed over one million Cuban exiles to America. I am appalled and disappointed by the Biden Administration’s blatantly hypocritical position that Cubans fleeing a communist dictatorship will not even be considered for admission into the United States. Over the last six months, the Biden Administration has allowed hundreds of thousands to cross our southwest border illegally, even assisting with flights and other support once they have entered the U.S. In stark contrast, the persecuted people of Cuba are standing up for their most basic human rights against a Communist regime, and the Biden Administration refuses to even entertain giving safe harbor to those seeking asylum.”
