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NEW FACTSHEET: Ending Title 42 Now Will Jeopardize Post-Pandemic Recovery

June 29, 2021

NEW FACTSHEET: Ending Title 42 Now Will Jeopardize Post-Pandemic Recovery

WASHINGTON, DC—Rep. John Katko (R-NY), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, and Homeland Security Republicans released a new factsheet highlighting why, as the U.S. moves steadily toward a post-pandemic recovery, now is not the time to end the use of Title 42. According to recent media reports, the Biden Administration is considering ending Title 42 as early as July 31.

More and more migrants are attempting to illegally enter the U.S. from countries with some of the world’s highest infection rates of COVID-19The New York Times reports migrants from more than 160 countries have been encountered at the border in recent months.

South America is increasingly becoming the epicenter of the pandemic. Not only are migrants arriving at the southern border from places around the world that are battling rampant COVID-19 infection rates, but they are traveling though high risk South and Central American countries en route to the border.

While at the southwest border, Homeland Security Republicans were consistently told by frontline Border Patrol agents that Title 42 authority is vital to managing and stemming the surge of migrants at the border.

As powerful variants continue to spread around the world, preserving COVID-19 pandemic recovery in the U.S. is exactly why it’s now so important to keep Title 42.

Download the factsheet here.

