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Katko Announces Members of American Security Task Force

June 29, 2021

Katko Announces Members of American Security Task Force

WASHINGTON, DC— Rep. John Katko (R-NY), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, welcomed the members who will serve on the American Security Task Force announced by Leader McCarthy today.

2021 has seen chaos at our southern border brought on by an administration in denial about a crisis, debilitating ransomware attacks on our nation’s critical infrastructure, and continued calls from the left to defund the police. The American Security Task Force will focus on solutions to secure our borders, protect the nation against cyber-attacks, and support the men and women in law enforcement. The American people deserve safety and security and a Congressional majority that delivers common sense solutions, not dangerous policies that weaken law enforcement and open our borders.

Ranking Member Katko has already begun shining light on the challenges facing our nation’s law enforcement as violent crime rates skyrocket in cities across the country following misguided decisions to defund police forces. Identifying solutions to problems such as this will be a key mission of the American Security Task Force.

“Our country is at a pivotal moment and we have a choice to either shrink back or step up to these challenges that will shape our nation for generations to come,” said Ranking Member Katko. “The American Security Task Force will be fundamental to our efforts to defend against the unprecedented ways our homeland security, national security, economic security, and way of life are threatened daily. I am honored to be trusted to lead this critical task force and look forward to working with the Republican Conference to put forward actionable and constructive solutions to ensure the security of our nation and the safety of all Americans.”

Below is a list of the members appointed to the American Security Task Force.

  • Ranking Member John Katko (NY-24)
  • Rep. Ralph Norman (SC-05)
  • Rep. Carlos Gimenez (FL-26)
  • Rep. Andrew Clyde (GA-09)
  • Rep. Greg Steube (FL-17)
  • Rep. Chip Roy (TX-21)
  • Rep. Tony Gonzales (TX-23)
  • Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-25)
  • Rep. John Rutherford (FL-04)
  • Rep. Steven Palazzo (MS-04)
  • Rep. Warren Davidson (OH-08)
  • Rep. Greg Pence (IN-06)
  • Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (NY-11)
  • Rep. Troy Nehls (TX-22)
  • Rep. Brian Babin (TX-36)
  • Rep. Dan Meuser (PA-09)

View a recap video from Katko’s first law enforcement roundtable here.

