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Katko: Soil Erosion Is Not Border Security

June 11, 2021

Katko: Soil Erosion Is Not Border Security

WASHINGTON, DC – Rep. John Katko (R-NY), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement in response to the Biden Administration’s announcement that it will divert border wall system funding appropriated by Congress to soil erosion and flood control projects along the southwest border:

“Despite the overwhelming evidence that physical barriers work, the Biden Administration made a politically motivated move on January 20 to halt construction on the border wall system that was effectively securing our sovereign borders. When President Biden made this reckless decision, appropriated bipartisan funding and existing contracts with vendors were already in place.

“After a lengthy ‘study,’ the Biden administration announced that it is repurposing existing appropriated funds for soil erosion and flood control – not actual border security. Soil erosion is not border security. This is clearly not what Congress intended when appropriating these funds. President Biden continues to show a complete disregard for the repeated and desperate calls from border communities that are overwhelmed and frustrated, as well as for our overall homeland security.”
