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Katko Statement on Chris Magnus for CBP Commissioner

April 12, 2021

Katko Statement on Chris Magnus for CBP Commissioner

WASHINGTON, DC— Rep. John Katko (R-NY), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, issued the following statement on the announcement of President Biden’s intent to nominate Chris Magnus as Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP):

“I am currently at the southwest border with fellow Homeland Security Republicans where I am continually hearing from border patrol agents that the policies of the last Administration worked. We would not be witnessing this current crisis if President Biden didn’t immediately pull out his pen on January 20th to sign away these policies. Right now, border patrol agents and resources are overwhelmed and overextended. They are being pulled off critical national security lines to assist processing the overflow of migrants at facilities. There is only so much strain these border patrol agents can be placed under.

“It is extremely discouraging to see a nominee for Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection who has vocally opposed the productive and commonsense border security policies of the last Administration. They clearly worked because once removed we saw record-breaking numbers of encounters at the southwest border with migrants calling on President Biden by name to let them in.

“CBP needs a leader who will support and advocate for frontline law enforcement trying to secure the border, and actually listen to what they are saying about this crisis. Our homeland security will not be served by someone who will make their jobs harder. They are the ones on the frontlines of this complete disorder every single day, placing themselves in harm’s way. They know how to do their jobs best and what is required to do so. It’s my hope that our Senate colleagues conduct very careful consideration of this nominee.”
