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Katko on the Disbanding of the Existing Homeland Security Advisory Council

March 26, 2021

Katko on the Disbanding of the Existing Homeland Security Advisory Council

WASHINGTON, DC – Rep. John Katko (R-NY), Ranking Member of the House Homeland Security Committee, issued the following statement on Secretary Mayorkas’ decision to dismantle the existing Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC):

“The Homeland Security Advisory Council is a critical body of expert, bipartisan thought-leaders, with the significant responsibility of providing strategic and actionable counsel to top DHS leaders on a range of homeland security issues. While these members serve at the pleasure of the Secretary, today’s action sends the message that this Administration has no intention of upholding a bipartisan, unifying approach to securing our homeland.

“The HSAC is not intended to be an echo chamber for what the current DHS Secretary wants to hear. Its mission is to provide a knowledgeable, diverse set of perspectives to combat the evolving threats of today and tomorrow. It’s an absolute shame that Secretary Mayorkas has removed these well-respected homeland security leaders who have dedicated their careers to strengthening our homeland security posture. I would urge the Secretary to take a thoughtful approach as he reconstitutes the HSAC and be mindful of the message he intends to send.”
