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Katko on Fox News: Border Crisis Was Totally Preventable

March 15, 2021

Katko on Fox News: Border Crisis Was Totally Preventable
Biden’s Policies Invited Surge at the Border

EL PASO, TX – Rep. John Katko, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, joined Trace Gallagher on Fox News to discuss his visit to the U.S.-Mexico border.

Click here to watch. 


Disorder at the Border: “What I saw today confirmed everything I already believed. The disorder at the border was caused by Biden’s executive order. There’s just no question about that.”

Totally Preventable: “There’s no question it’s a human tragedy. It’s a tragedy that didn’t have to happen. When you give people in desperate situations false hope, this is what happens. The President has given them false hope by signaling that he’s going to relax the immigration standards. The big winners in this thing are the coyotes and the drug trafficking organizations that are smuggling these people to the border.”

Biden’s Border Crisis: “Before President Biden took over, the surge at the border had ended, people were discouraged from coming to the border, and they were encouraged to come into this country the right way. That was working. As soon as you change that, people exploit it.”

Real Problem: “120 border patrol agents were taken off the border [near monument three] to deal with the unaccompanied children in these facilities. We learned today [the facilities] are at max, so more border patrol agents are going to come off the border and make our country less safe. We really have a problem here.”
