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CHS Republicans Urge Chairman to Schedule “Keep America Secure Act” Mark Up

September 23, 2020

CHS Republicans Urge Chairman to Schedule “Keep America Secure Act” Mark Up

WASHINGTON – Today, House Homeland Security Committee Republicans asked Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) to schedule a mark up for the Keep America Secure Act. After more than 20 months in the majority, Democrats have yet to offer their own authorization legislation. Therefore, last week, all committee republicans joined Ranking Member Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) in introducing the Keep America Secure Act, which provides a comprehensive, two-year reauthorization of the Department of Homeland Security.

“The Keep America Secure Act represents our priorities and proposals to ensure DHS has the authorities and resources it needs to stay ahead of evolving threats,” the letter said. “We recognize that the majority has its own priorities and proposals. We welcome an opportunity to work with you in a bipartisan manner to resolve any differences and ensure a DHS authorization bill becomes law before the end of this Congress.” 

Rogers is joined by all committee republicans: Reps. Peter King (R-NY), Michael McCaul (R-Texas), John Katko (R-NY), Mark Walker (R-NC), Clay Higgins (R-La.), Debbie Lesko (R-Ariz.), Mark Green (R-Tenn.), John Joyce (R-Pa.), Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas), Michael Guest (R-Miss.), Dan Bishop (R-NC), Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) and Mike Garcia (R-Calif.).

Last week, House Homeland Security Committee Republicans introduced the Keep America Secure ActSince the committee’s first meeting in February 2019, Rogers has consistently urged the majority to build on the progress made by Chairman McCaul in the last Congress and prioritize a comprehensive DHS reauthorization bill. Democrats have yet to introduce such a bill this Congress. The reauthorization put forth by committee Republicans aligns with the three pillars of their American Security Agenda established in June of 2019 to stay ahead of evolving threats, provide the resources necessary to combat new threats, and position DHS to be successful on new battlegrounds. Rogers released an op-ed on the importance of this legislation. Read the op-ed here.
