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Rogers Requests Joint DOJ, DHS Investigation Into Portland Riots

August 6, 2020

Rogers Requests Joint DOJ, DHS Investigation Into Portland Riots


WASHINGTON – Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), House Homeland Security Committee ranking member, today sent a letter to Attorney General William Barr and Department of Homeland Security Acting Secretary Chad Wolf requesting a joint investigation between the Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security for the events in Portland, Oregon, between May 29, 2020, and July 29, 2020.

“Portland officials carried out a smear campaign against federal officials, dismissed calls to address the violence, and passed resolutions preventing local police from providing any assistance, coordination, or information with federal counterparts,” Rogers wrote in the letter. “This lack of cooperation made a difficult situation worse and may have further exposed federal personnel and facilities to violent attacks, putting politics over American lives.”

Specifically, Rogers is requesting information be gathered on:

  • The breakdown of cooperation, mutual assistance and information sharing by state and local law enforcement with their federal counterparts in Portland;
  • A full assessment of the injuries to federal personnel caused by violent rioters while on duty during the riots; and
  • An accounting of the damage done to federal facilities.

Read the full letter here.
