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Rep. Rogers On the Passage of the CARES Act

March 27, 2020

Rep. Rogers On the Passage of the CARES Act

WASHINGTON – Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), House Homeland Security Committee ranking member, released the statement below following passage of CARES Act.

I’m grateful to President Trump, our Congressional leadership and my colleagues for their commitment to ensure Americans’ needs are met with the passage of this legislation. As American families and businesses continue to look toward Congress for help, I hope we stay on this path of cooperation to deliver results for our country.

That being said, I’m disappointed that this bill fails to adequately provide the men and women of the Department of Homeland Security with needed personal protective equipment. As the Ranking Member, I will work to ensure that future deals include PPEs that agencies like Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Customs and Border Protection desperately need.”

Earlier today, Rep. Rogers spoke on the House floor to discuss this legislation. You can watch his speech here.
