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Rogers Urges Colleagues to Vote “NO” on Coddling Iranian Terrorists

March 11, 2020

Rogers Urges Colleagues to Vote “NO” on Coddling Iranian Terrorists

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WASHINGTON – Today, Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), House Homeland Security Committee ranking member, spoke on the House floor to urge his colleagues to oppose S.J.Res.68, the Iran War Powers Resolution.

“Halting military operations and putting red tape on the Commander-in-Chief does nothing to fix the problems in the Middle East,” Rep. Rogers said. “I believe this resolution makes Americans less safe. It makes a mockery of years of dedicated counter-terrorism efforts. I urge my colleagues to vote ‘no’ for the third time in three months on coddling Iranian terrorists.”

Watch the full video here.



Rogers’ full remarks, as prepared for delivery, are below:

This legislation didn’t make the sense on January 9th or January 30th and it doesn’t make sense now. Today marks the third time the House has considered a version of this legislation in just three months. I’m back to remind my colleagues that our conflict is not with the Iranian people but with their tyrannical and murderous regime.

The Iranian government, using agents like General Soleimani and the IRGC, has been arming Shia militias, including Hezbollah and others across the Middle East for decades. General Soleimani’s organization was responsible for the deaths of nearly 600 Americans.

This resolution offers safe harbor to those killers. It offers safe harbor to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, a designated foreign terrorist organization. It offers safe harbor to terrorist groups receiving advanced weapons directly from the Iranian government. These forces are critical to the Ayatollah’s clear goal of complete influence over the Middle East.

But the American people know the regime’s legacy. They know that the Ayatollah doesn’t care about the bloody cost of his terrorism. The legislation before the House today only paves the way for new Iranian aggression. Halting military operations and putting red-tape on the Commander-in-Chief does nothing to fix the problems in the Middle East.

I believe this resolution makes Americans less safe. It makes a mockery of years of dedicated counter-terrorism efforts. I urge my colleagues to vote “no” for the third time on coddling Iranian terrorists.
