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Rogers Statement on Wolf Named Acting DHS Secretary

November 2, 2019

Rogers Statement on Wolf Named Acting DHS Secretary

WASHINGTON – Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee, today released a statement following President Trump’s announcement that Chad Wolf will serve as acting secretary for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

“DHS’ mission to keep our homeland secure requires the department to stay on top of threats across multiple fronts. From cyberthreats, to border security, to disaster preparedness, its leader must wear multiple hats. I’m glad the White House selected Chad Wolf to run DHS in the short term, in accordance with the law. Chad’s background managing personnel at the department and TSA will serve him well in his new role and I am looking forward to getting to work with him. I encourage the president to select a nominee that the Senate will confirm and who will serve in a permanent capacity. DHS has been plagued by mismanagement, disunity and poor morale since its creation. The only way to get DHS back on track starts with strong management at the top.”
