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Rogers to Thompson: Your Subpoenas Violated Committee Rules

October 24, 2019

Rogers to Thompson: Your Subpoenas Violated Committee Rules

WASHINGTON – Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee, today responded to Chairman Bennie Thompson’s (D-Miss.) unilateral decision to issue subpoenas in violation of  committee rules.

“Your decision to issue subpoenas to Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Kevin McAleenan and National Counter Terrorism Center (NCTC) Acting Director Russell Travers is a clear violation of Committee Rule XII that requires you to notify me, as the Ranking Member, ‘prior to issuing any subpoena[s],” Rogers said in a letter to Thompson. “I am very concerned about a pattern of disregard for House and Committee rules and minority rights under your leadership. As you are aware, this is the third time you have violated Committee rules over the last ten months.”

The full letter can be found here and below.

Dear Chairman Thompson:  

Your decision to issue subpoenas to Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Kevin McAleenan and National Counter Terrorism Center (NCTC) Acting Director Russell Travers is a clear violation of Committee Rule XII that requires you to notify me, as the Ranking Member, “prior to issuing any subpoena[ s].” It is evident that you have chosen not to comply with your own Committee rules as the subpoenas provided to me this morning already bore the House Clerk’s signature and seal.

You also disregarded the agreement you made on the record during our organizational meeting on January 30, 2019. In a colloquy with me; you outlined the following procedure regarding the issuance of subpoenas: “With respect to subpoenas, I will pledge to the Ranking Member that, when practicable, the full committee will meet to consider subpoenas and that I would anticipate that only in exigent circumstances, where we may not be in session, would I move to issue a subpoena outside of a Committee meeting.” As Chairman, you held a full Committee markup just yesterday, yet you made no mention of these subpoenas and made no effort to honor your commitment to the minority.

I have previously joined you in calling for the Department and NCTC to honor their obligation to join us for our annual worldwide threats hearing. I wish you had continued that cooperation, followed Committee rules, and honored our agreement.

Finally, I am very concerned about a pattern of disregard for House and Committee rules and minority rights under your leadership. As you are aware, this is the third time you have violated Committee rules over the last ten months. This Committee has a long tradition of bipartisan cooperation and I hope we quickly return to working together to address the important issues before us.

