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Rogers, Thompson Announce Subpoena of 8chan Owner Watkins

August 14, 2019

Rogers, Thompson Announce Subpoena of 8chan Owner Watkins

WASHINGTON – Today, House Homeland Security Committee Ranking Member Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) and Committee Chairman Bennie G. Thompson (D-Miss.) issued a subpoena to Jim Watkins, the owner of the website 8chan, for testimony related to the Committee’s ongoing oversight work on countering extremist content on social media platforms.  A copy of the subpoena can be found here.

“Today the Committee on Homeland Security issued a subpoena to Jim Watkins, the owner of the website 8chan. In recent years, violent extremist content has proliferated on both large and small social media platforms. At least three acts of deadly white supremacist extremist violence have been linked to 8chan in the last six months. We have questions on what is being done to counter this trend so we can be sure it is being properly addressed. Receiving testimony from Mr. Watkins is critical to our oversight on this matter.”
