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NEW DATA: Border Crisis Worsens

April 10, 2019

NEW DATA: Border Crisis Worsens

Law enforcement encountered so many migrants in March that we had to expand our chart.

WASHINGTON – New data shows that apprehensions at the border continued to skyrocket in March.

Here’s a breakdown.

  • Customs and Border Protection apprehended 92,607 individuals at the southwest border. Including:
    • 53,077 migrants traveling as part of a family
    • 30,555 single adults
    • 8,975 unaccompanied children.

March’s apprehension numbers were record breaking.

  • In the first six months of this fiscal year, border apprehensions have already exceeded the totals for each of the last five fiscal years.
  • Law enforcement apprehended more migrants in March than any other month in 11 years.

We don’t have anywhere to put the influx of migrants who are arriving. Border Patrol facilities are well above capacity.

  • El Paso is at 256 percent.
  • Rio Grande Valley is at 145 percent.
  • Rio Grande Valley McAllen station is at 241 percent

Bottom line: Democrats keep denying that Congress must act to address the growing border crisis. As Ranking Member Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) put it, Democrats would rather take a “political slap at the president” than legislate.

Democrats have pushed political vote, after political vote but have offered no legislation to address the crisis at the border. It’s time for them to get serious about the growing humanitarian and national security crisis at our southwest border.



Contact: Nicole Hager
