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Rogers Statement on Designation of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a Terrorist Organization

April 8, 2019

Rogers Statement on Designation of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a Terrorist Organization

WASHINGTON – Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee, today released a statement following the Trump Administration’s announcement that it will designate Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), including the Quds Force, as a foreign terrorist organization:

“This historic move doubles down on our understanding that Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism and recognizes that the IRGC actively finances and promotes terrorism around the world. The Quds Force supports and cultivates other terrorist groups and has carried out attacks in the Middle East, Argentina, Europe and elsewhere.

“Terrorism is essential to Iran’s foreign policy. The IRGC is no better than its proxy, Hezbollah, or other groups like Hamas, al Qaeda, and ISIS. As a designated terrorist organization, the United States can now bring the full power of our counterterrorism laws against the IRGC and place maximum pressure on Iran by cracking down on IRGC-controlled businesses and restricting member travel.”


Contact: Nicole Hager
