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Rogers Applauds Trump Move to Promote American AI Development

February 11, 2019

Rogers Applauds Trump Move to Promote American AI Development

Top Homeland Republican Says, …[T]he United States cannot coast on our thriving innovation economy to maintain our leadership in AI, but must actively engage so that it does not become a threat to our national and economic security interests.

WASHINGTON — House Homeland Security Ranking Member Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) today applauded President Trump s announcement that he will direct federal agencies to prioritize artificial intelligence (AI). Rogers is also a senior member of the Armed Services Committee and former chairman of the Strategic Forces subcommittee.

With AI growing at a rapid pace, we need to take action to ensure that our adversaries and near peers aren’t able to target this emerging tech and use it in malicious ways, Rogers said. Today’s announcement demonstrates that President Trump recognizes that the United States cannot coast on our thriving innovation economy to maintain our leadership in AI, but must actively engage so that it does not become a threat to our national and economic security interests.

Rogers continued, “This directive will encourage AI research and development, prioritizes workforce development, and improves access to government data. We can’t stop there. As the top Republican on the Homeland Security Committee, it is one of my top priorities to build on the administration’s efforts to ensure that we are address new and emerging cybersecurity threats and I am committed to addressing these issues in Congress. We can t let the world get ahead of us in the race to develop and deploy AI.


Contact: Nicole Hager