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Rogers Announces Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill to Testify at Election Security Hearing

February 8, 2019

Rogers Announces Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill to Testify at Election Security Hearing

WASHINGTON House Homeland Security Committee Ranking Member Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) announced today that Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill will testify at next week s hearing on election security.

Republicans and Democrats agree: election security is essential to our democracy, said Rogers. But let s not forget, the Constitution leaves the primary responsibility of administering elections to the states. Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill will be joining us at next week s hearing so that committee members can hear about what Alabama has been doing to keep its elections secure and to engage in a proactive discussion about how the federal government can help states keep their elections safe in the future.

Additional information, including webcast and testimony details here <> .

Background: The Homeland Security Committee has jurisdiction over the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which oversees critical infrastructure including elections infrastructure. DHS provides threat information, fosters coordination between the election community and DHS officials, and, if requested, cybersecurity assistance and sensors to detect malicious activity.


Contact: Nicole Hager