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Rogers Praises Democrat Cooperation with Nielsen

February 4, 2019

Rogers Praises Democrat Cooperation with Nielsen

Top Homeland Republican Praises Thompson Decision to Reschedule DHS Oversight Hearing

WASHINGTON — House Homeland Security Committee Ranking Member Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) today praised Chairman Bennie Thompson s (D-Miss.) decision to cooperate with Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen on finding a time for her to testify before the committee. Today s announcement that this week s DHS oversight hearing will be rescheduled to March 6 follows a letter Rogers wrote to Thompson last week urging him to work with Secretary Nielsen to find a mutually agreeable time for her to testify.

The administration s plans about the future of border security are vitally important and the American public deserves to hear about these plans from Secretary Nielsen herself, Rogers said. Chairman Thompson s decision to cooperate with Secretary Nielsen to find a time for her to testify was the right one and is consistent with the committee s constitutional mandate to conduct oversight over DHS. I look forward to hearing from Secretary Nielsen about the administration s plans for border security early next month.


Contact: Nicole Hager