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Subcommittee Chairman Pfluger Leads Bipartisan Congressional Delegation to Morocco, Egypt, and Türkiye

April 2, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Last week, House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Intelligence, and Law Enforcement Chairman August Pfluger (R-TX) led a bipartisan Congressional Delegation (CODEL) to Morocco, Egypt, and Türkiye. Chairman Pfluger and the CODEL met with high-level officials in these countries to discuss bilateral relations and important security challenges facing our nations, including countering terrorism.

Chairman Pfluger was joined by Border Security and Enforcement Subcommittee Ranking Member Lou Correa (D-CA), Representative Dale Strong (R-AL), Representative Jay Obernolte (R-CA), Representative Ben Cline (R-VA), and Representative Zach Nunn (R-IA).

Notably, the CODEL met with Moroccan, Egyptian, and Turkish officials to discuss current security and counterterrorism challenges in the region and beyond, including with Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch of Morocco and President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi of Egypt.

While in Türkiye, the CODEL also met with stakeholders and U.S. businesses, to discuss energy security issues and the private sector’s role in promoting energy security.

I was proud to lead a bipartisan CODEL of representatives from multiple Committees of the U.S. House of Representatives to Morocco, Egypt, and Türkiye—to assess the dangers to U.S. national security and U.S. interests. Serving as the Chair of the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement, and Intelligence, I have dedicated our efforts on uncovering and combating terrorism and transnational organized criminal networks from every angle. Our CODEL provided insights into the challenges we face in countering these threats, reaffirming the importance of our ongoing efforts in this critical area, and ensuring stability and prosperity in the region with U.S. allies and partners,” said Chairman Pfluger.

As the Ranking Member of the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Border Security and Enforcement, I’ve worked with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to ensure that our nation’s borders are safe, secure, and humane, and that those working on the frontlines have the resources they need to stop terrorists in their tracks and prevent illicit drugs like fentanyl from entering our communities,” Ranking Member Correa said. To achieve this goal, we’ve got to continue to work alongside our partners around the world to better combat terrorism and disrupt transnational organized criminal networks at their sources. I was honored to have been able to engage in this bipartisan work alongside Chairman Pfluger to strengthen U.S. bilateral relations and ensure we can more-fully address the security challenges facing our nation, and others around the world.”

“President Biden’s open border crisis goes beyond the southern region of our country. Congressional oversight trips are critical for Congress to ensure that our country is protected against terrorist transit hubs in the Middle East. This trip confirmed what we know to be true: the United States must continue to work with our partners across the globe to stop terrorists and illegal immigrants who pose a threat to our homeland from entering the interior of our nation and growing crime networks abroad,” Rep. Strong said.

As a military officer who led counterterrorism operations—including against Al-Qaeda and ISIS—I’m committed to preventing illegal entry into our country, especially by those who wish to do our nation harm. This includes shutting down terrorist transit hubs in Morocco, Egypt, and Turkey to protect our homeland. I am thankful to our allies for taking quick and direct actions to disrupt immediate threats to the U.S. homeland. During our trip, we discussed the importance of strengthening relationships and working alongside our allies to combat the millions of illegals entering the U.S. Together, we are severing illegal pathways to stop terrorists from threatening Americans.” Rep. Nunn said.

On our congressional oversight trip to Morocco, Egypt, and Türkiye, we met with government officials to learn more about the counterterrorism challenges these strategic partners are facing and how the United States can lend its support,” said Rep. Obernolte. “Combating terrorism requires an international effort that prioritizes cybersecurity, military expertise, and innovative approaches to thwart this ever-evolving threat. In the United States, malign organizations have used sophisticated cyberattacks to shut down our critical infrastructure and target our telecommunications systems with the goal of causing chaos in our country. It is critical that we work with our international security partners to strengthen our defenses. It was an honor to represent the United States and the House of Representatives on this delegation.
