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FACT SHEET: Biden Kicks Off Another Record-Setting Year of Dangerous Border Security Policies

November 18, 2022

FACT SHEET: Biden Kicks Off Another Record-Setting Year of Dangerous Border Security Policies

WASHINGTON, DC – After a year of breaking all the wrong records at the Southwest border, the Biden administration is already on track to surpass its own records this fiscal year. The American people are tired of seeing their communities flooded with deadly drugs, including synthetic opioids like fentanyl, which killed more than 107,000 Americans last year. This administration’s open border policies have emboldened dangerous drug cartels, while putting countless migrants in abusive and deadly surroundings on a dangerous journey. These victims include young children, who themselves face physical and sexual abuse by cartels and smugglers.

Despite seeing the devastation its policies created last year, the Biden administration continues to abandon any attempt to secure our Southwest border. Republicans are ready with a plan to secure the border, address the pull factors created by the Biden administration, and end this humanitarian crisis on day one of a Republican majority. The American people have had enough and Homeland Republicans are prepared to deliver on our promise.

Today, Homeland Security Republicans released the first edition of the “Startling Stats” factsheet for fiscal year 2023 highlighting the dangerous record-breaking fiscal year of the Biden border crisis.

Key Facts:

  • October was the 20th straight month with more than 150,000 encounters – a trend never before recorded and the 8th month in a row of over 200,000 encounters.
  • This was the highest number of migrant encounters recorded for a single October in DHS history.
    • This does not include the number of known gotaways who evaded U.S. Border Patrol last month, which DHS sources say is about 64,000, roughly 2,000 every single day.
  • CBP had 230,678 migrant encounters along the Southwest border in October 2022, which included 158,639 single adults, 59,757 family units, and 12,034 unaccompanied minors.
  • Since President Biden has been in office, there have been over 4 million migrant encounters at the Southwest border, in addition to over 1 million known gotaways who evaded U.S. Border Patrol agents in the last two years
  • In just the first month of the fiscal year, 9 people whose names appear on the terror watchlist (or Terrorist Screening Dataset (TSDS)) were stopped trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border between ports of entry this fiscal year.

Download the “Startling Stats” factsheet here.

