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Katko Outlines Immediate Actions To Protect Homeland Following Afghanistan Nightmare

August 18, 2021

Katko Outlines Immediate Actions To Protect Homeland
Following Afghanistan Nightmare

WASHINGTON, DC – Just weeks before the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, the Taliban has taken control of Afghanistan and returned it to a pre-9/11 terrorist breeding ground. This is not simply a foreign policy issue with regional implications. Rather, this preventable humanitarian and security crisis will pose real threats to American homeland security.

Rep. John Katko (R-NY), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, outlined three immediate actions we must take to protect the homeland given the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan.

  • Demand answers on the identities and threat profiles of the thousands of individuals released from detention facilities, including Bagram and the Pul e Charkhi Prison.
  • Force executive branch accountability for the complete failure of strategy and planning.
  • Provide Americans with transparency on the number of known or suspected terrorists crossing our border.

The vacuum left from the United States’ retreat will only further embolden our enemies and jeopardize our homeland security.

View additional analysis here

