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Katko: Biden’s Speech Lacks Vision for Critical Homeland Security Threats

April 29, 2021

Katko: Biden’s Speech Lacks Vision for Critical Homeland Security Threats

WASHINGTON, DC – Following President Biden’s Joint Address to Congress, Rep. John Katko (R-NY), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, issued the following statement on the President’s failure to appropriately recognize the most pressing security issues facing our homeland today:

“With our homeland security, economic security, national security and way of life threatened in unprecedented ways, I was disappointed by President Biden’s failure to fully address the severity of the threats currently facing our homeland in his address to Congress.

“The crisis at the southwest border rages on, and the facts are undeniable. CBP is on track to encounter more than two million migrants crossing the border this fiscal year. Border Patrol Agents are overwhelmed, and facilities are over capacity. Migrants are being released without COVID testing. Fentanyl seizures have increased 233%. Individuals on the Terrorism Watch List have been caught illegally crossing the border. Cartels are making millions each day.

“The Biden Administration’s strategy for dealing with the border crisis thus far has been to downplay the situation, deny any responsibility, and act as if this is business as usual. By eroding the productive policies of the previous Administration, President Biden singlehandedly allowed a national security, humanitarian, and public health crisis to develop along the southwest border. This is a crisis, and it’s disappointing that President Biden failed to acknowledge that in his speech tonight. History has taught us that any attempt to change our immigration system will not be successful without strong border security.

“Additionally, our frontline law enforcement officers wake up every single morning not knowing what the day holds for them, but regardless they push forward to ensure the safety and security of our local communities. At a time when the radical arm of his party seeks to demonize and demoralize our law enforcement, actions will ultimately speak louder than words for President Biden to stand up for these everyday heroes.

“I had hoped for an even stronger stance against the nation states who actively and openly seek to disrupt our very way of life. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will be the greatest threat to U.S. interests and economic security for the next 50 years. The only thing aggressors understand is strength and now is the time for the United States to project just that.

“I was encouraged to hear President Biden make multiple references to the importance of protecting the cybersecurity resilience of the nation. As the pre-eminent national security threat of our time, cybersecurity is a team sport and we must continue work hand and glove with our industry partners, as a strong public-private partnership is the only way we will take our cyber adversaries head on.

“As we prepare to remember the 20th anniversary of the September 11th attacks this year, the importance of the homeland security mission is greater than ever before. In over 20 years leading on these issues, I’ve seen the best results when everyone works together. Republicans stand ready to work with President Biden to achieve real solutions for the American people. Now is the time to live up to promises of unity and bipartisanship.”
