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Latest “Startling Stats” Show Untenable Humanitarian Crisis at Southwest Border

March 30, 2021

Latest “Startling Stats” Show Untenable Humanitarian Crisis at Southwest Border

WASHINGTON, DC – Rep. John Katko (R-NY), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, released the latest edition of Homeland Republicans’ “Startling Stats” factsheet showing how the Biden Administration has lost control of the growing humanitarian crisis at the southwest border. This edition of “startling stats” highlights how the Biden Administration now projects the number of unaccompanied children crossing the border could spiral from more than 16,000 in March to as many as 26,000 in September.

As thousands of migrants cross the southwest border daily, with no sign of slowing down, President Biden is asking federal workers to volunteer in “urgent efforts” to respond to the influx. Reversing the misguided policy decisions that created this surge is the most humane course of action.

Homeland Security Republicans, led by Ranking Member Katko, continue to call on the Biden Administration to reconsider sweeping policy rollbacks and work with concerned Republicans and Democrats to combat the dangerous surge in encounters at the border.

Download the third and latest edition of the “Startling Stats” factsheet here.
