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House Democrats Block Humanitarian Border Crisis Funding for 17th Time

June 19, 2019

House Democrats Block Humanitarian Border Crisis Funding for 17th Time

WASHINGTON – House Democrats today blocked another motion that would have allowed the House to consider Homeland Security Ranking Member Mike Rogers’ (R-Ala.) H.R. 3056, the Border Crisis Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2019, which provides $4.5 billion to address the humanitarian and security crisis at the southwest border. This is the 17th time that House Democrats have blocked humanitarian border aid from being considered on the House floor.

“House Republicans, the president, Mexico, and now even Senate Democrats have recognized the dire need for action to address the humanitarian crisis at our southwest border,” Rogers said. “House Democrats continue to live in a state of denial – they’ve now rejected my legislation to provide emergency resources for the humanitarian crisis 17 times. They’d rather make outrageous comments blaming the president for the crisis than pass legislation to feed, shelter and provide proper medical care for migrant families and unaccompanied children. I urge my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to stop playing politics and pass this legislation today.”
H.R. 3056 provides:

  • $3.3 billion for humanitarian assistance including shelter capacity for unaccompanied children, care for children in custody, transportation for safe and efficient border processing centers.
  • $1.1 billion for operational support including personnel, transportation, and resources to combat human smuggling and trafficking.
  • $178 million for technology upgrades and law enforcement pay adjustments to respond to the influx.


  • Last week, Democrats blocked two procedural motions that would have allowed H.R. 3056 to be considered on the House floor.
  • Democrats have also rejected 12 unanimous consent requests to bring up H.R. 3056 within the last week.
  • On June 4, Democrats first voted to block Rogers’ H.R. 3056 to be considered as part of the disaster supplemental.
  • On May 9, Democrats rejected a Rogers’, Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.) amendment to provide $4.5 billion in emergency resources for the border.

