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Rogers Backs Administration’s Supplemental DHS Funding Request

May 1, 2019

Rogers Backs Administration’s Supplemental DHS Funding Request
Top Homeland Republican Says, “This supplemental funding request is an opportunity for House Democrats to put down their partisan rhetoric and embrace the need for more DHS funding”

WASHINGTON – Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee, today released a statement in support of the Trump Administration’s request for additional funding for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS):

“The situation at our southwest border is deteriorating by the day, creating a threat to both national security and human life. DHS needs more funding before the end of the year. Congress must ensure it has the resources it needs to do its job.

“Unfortunately, Congressional Democrats have declined to address the growing crisis at the border, refusing to provide DHS necessary funding earlier this year. Since then, the situation at the border has only gotten worse. The influx of migrants presents serious humanitarian and security concerns, consequences of a department stretched too thin.

“My colleagues on the other side of the aisle argue that President Trump ‘manufactured’ the border crisis, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. We all know that the president’s views on illegal immigration – it is ludicrous to say he would want our detention facilities bursting at the seams and illegal immigration at record levels.

“This supplemental funding request is an opportunity for House Democrats to put down their partisan rhetoric and embrace the need for more DHS funding. DHS needs more resources to address the very problems Democrats themselves have identified by expanding temporary and semi-permanent migrant processing facilities, providing more medical supplies, hiring more border personnel, investing in new technology, and increasing detention capacity.”


Contact: Nicole Hager
