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Rogers Statement on Assange Arrest

April 11, 2019

Rogers Statement on Assange Arrest

WASHINGTON – Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee, today released a statement following reports that the United States has charged Wikileaks founder Julian Assange with conspiracy to hack a computer. The charges assert that Assange agreed to help Chelsea Manning break into the Defense Department to steal classified information in 2010.

“Julian Assange and Wikileaks maliciously conspired to steal and publish U.S military and intelligence classified information, compromising counterterrorism activities essential to homeland security. His arrest today in London is the first step to bringing him to justice.

“Assange’s arrest and future extradition will hopefully pressure Manning to cooperate with law enforcement so all of the people who put U.S. national security at risk can be held accountable.”



Contact: Nicole Hager
