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Rogers Supports Trump SOTU Border Security Message

February 5, 2019

Rogers Supports Trump SOTU Border Security Message

Leading Homeland Republican Says, Addressing border security will help protect American lives and keep our nation safe, something we all should be able to support”

WASHINGTON — House Homeland Security Ranking Member Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) released the following statement after President Trump s State of the Union address:

Tonight President Trump reiterated his commitment to securing our borders and protecting our national security. The growing humanitarian crisis at our southwest border is a complex problem that is a result of changing immigration flows, the growth of the opioid epidemic and new smuggling patterns. The president emphasized that stopping the flows of illegal immigration, drugs and human trafficking should be and traditionally have been shared bipartisan goals.

I join President Trump in again calling for Democrats to put politics aside and to start negotiating to address the increasing challenges at our borders. Members of the Homeland Security Appropriations Conference Committee are in a unique position to reach a bipartisan solution to strengthen our border security, which should take an all-of-the-above approach that includes physical barriers, manpower and investments in 21st-century technology. Addressing border security will help protect American lives and keep our nation safe, something we all should be able to support.

Background: The House Homeland Security Committee has jurisdiction over border, port and maritime security and oversight jurisdiction over the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Last week, Rogers led Homeland Security Republicans in calling on the Homeland Security Appropriations Conference Committee to pursue an all-of-the-above approach to border security.


Contact: Nicole Hager