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Chairman Green Calls for Congressional Action on Open Source Software Security Amid Growing Risks

April 3, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C.  Today, House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Mark E. Green, MD (R-TN) released a statement calling on the House of Representatives to bring his bipartisan legislation, ‘The Securing Open Source Software Act of 2023’ (H.R. 3286), to a vote. The legislation was introduced and quickly referred to the House by the Committee in May of last year. The vulnerabilities addressed in the bill were once again exposed over the weekend in an attempted open source supply chain hack reported by Politico.

“Open source software can present security risks that threaten the very foundation of digital life. This most recent, and thankfully failed, attempt to destabilize a critical software utility highlights the need for directed risk management and assured security of open source software. While I commend CISA for its swift guidance following the discovery of the malicious code, my bill, ‘The Securing Open Source Software Act of 2023,’ would address the vulnerabilities identified by the Log4j disclosure and improve how the federal government manages risk that stems from the use of open source software. This legislation is more important now than ever. Let’s get this to the floor for a vote.”
