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FACTSHEET: Homeland Security Committee Marks 100 Days of Holding the Biden Administration Accountable

April 17, 2023

FACTSHEET: Homeland Security Committee Marks 100 Days of Holding the Biden Administration Accountable

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the House Committee on Homeland Security released the 100 Days of Republican Oversight of the U.S. Homeland Mission factsheet. Last Congress, Democrats largely ignored many significant homeland security issues that impact Americans across the country. Over the first 100 days of a Republican Majority, the House Committee on Homeland Security carried out long overdue oversight actions to hold the Biden administration accountable for the two years’ worth of damage to our homeland security—and we are just getting started.

Read more in Fox News.

The threats to the U.S. homeland are never ceasing, and this Committee is working tirelessly to ensure the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is correctly mitigating these threats in order to accomplish its mission and providing transparency for the American people.

From firsthand testimony in hearings with those on the precipice of this crisis, including U.S. Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz, this committee has received confirmation that our nation is facing crises at our Southwest, Northern, and Maritime borders because of President Biden and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ refusal to enforce our nation’s laws. More than two decades after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Biden administration’s catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan has empowered foreign terrorist organizations like al Qaeda and ISIS, endangering our partners in the region and the homeland. As our adversaries grow more sophisticated in their approach, our nation also faces cyber threats from criminal actors and nation-state adversaries targeting both government and private entities as they work to undermine the U.S. and bring us to our knees. Lastly, the growing influence of the Chinese Communist Party in the U.S. and the Biden administration’s weakness on the world stage in response to this threat endangers the integrity of our critical infrastructure, the intellectual property of our private sector, and sensitive military intelligence.

Download the full factsheet HERE to read about the Committee’s oversight activities to address these threats and more in the beginning of the 118th Congress and the new House Republican Majority.



