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Katko on Russia’s Latest Attempt to Target Our Nation’s Infrastructure

January 12, 2022

Katko on Russia’s Latest Attempt to Target Our Nation’s Infrastructure

WASHINGTON, DC – Rep. John Katko (R-NY), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, issued the following statement in response to the Biden administration’s cybersecurity advisory on Russian state-sponsored cyber operations:

“This cybersecurity advisory should serve as a warning that our adversaries are clearly not planning to let up in 2022. Less than two weeks into the new year we have seen bad actors exploiting the pervasive Log4j vulnerability that is impacting millions of devices, and now Russian state-sponsored actors are exploiting vulnerabilities to target our nation’s critical infrastructure. If it wasn’t clear before it is now, President Biden’s ‘tough talk’ with Russia is not getting the job done. We need to show our adversaries that there are consequences to their actions and impose real cost on them. I commend CISA and Director Easterly for quickly pushing out information on how to mitigate these vulnerabilities and strongly encourage private sector entities to take them seriously.

“Russia’s latest attempts are further proof that there is no time to waste in securing our nation’s infrastructure against attacks by our adversaries. As Ranking Member of the Homeland Security Committee, I will continue working across party lines with the Biden administration to empower CISA with the tools and resources necessary to protect our nation’s cyber assets against current and future threats.”

