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Katko: China Will Stop At Nothing To Achieve Geopolitical Goals

November 16, 2021

Katko: China Will Stop At Nothing To Achieve Geopolitical Goals

WASHINGTON, DC— Rep. John Katko (R-NY), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on President Biden’s virtual meeting with China’s President Xi Jinping.

“The CCP is stealing our intellectual property, launching attacks against our cyber infrastructure, testing a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile, and perpetrating abhorrent human rights violations against its own people. China has shown it will stop at nothing to achieve its geopolitical goals. The only thing bad guys understand is strength and the U.S., under President Biden, is not delivering. China has demonstrated for decades that it will not negotiate in good faith and instead use that time to further advantage itself at the direct expense of the U.S.

“Readouts from the meeting indicate pleasantries were exchanged and little was accomplished in the realm of standing up to China. The CCP is the greatest 50-year threat to our homeland and the United States is in a great powers’ competition with China, the likes of which will determine the future of the world as we know it. Due to the significant entanglement of the two countries, the homeland security mission to counter and curb China has never been more important. President Biden must adjust course to take a much tougher stance in order to protect our homeland and national security.”

Earlier this year, Homeland Republicans released their plan to combat the China threat to the homeland.
