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Katko: Russia Sanctions Send Necessary Message

April 15, 2021

Katko: Russia Sanctions Send Necessary Message

WASHINGTON, DC – Rep. John Katko (R-NY), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, issued the following statement in response to the Administration’s announcement of a new round of sanctions against Russia:

“I commend the Administration for taking justified steps to hold Russia accountable for a range of malign activity – including the SolarWinds cyber espionage campaign and election influence operations. Deterrence action like this sends the message that the U.S. will not tolerate any attempts to compromise our sensitive information and way of life. Applying sanctions, forcefully calling out authoritarian nation state-led cyberattacks, and working to bolster CISA’s capabilities are critical first steps towards strengthening and securing our cybersecurity posture in the wake of the unprecedented SolarWinds cyber espionage campaign. We must continue the full court press to ensure bad actors feel stiff consequences for their actions.

“As Ranking Member of the Homeland Security Committee, I will continue working across party lines with the Biden Administration to empower CISA with the tools, authorities, and resources needed to protect our nation’s cyber assets against current and future threats.”
