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“Startling Stats 4.0” Detail Those Exploiting Biden’s Weak Border Security Policies

April 8, 2021

“Startling Stats 4.0” Detail Those Exploiting Biden’s Weak Border Security Policies

WASHINGTON, DC – Rep. John Katko (R-NY), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, released the latest edition of Homeland Republicans’ “Startling Stats” factsheet highlighting just-released Customs & Border Protection monthly enforcement numbers for March as well as the latest data on arrests of criminal aliens crossing the border.

There is no denying that President Biden has created a full-blown humanitarian and national security crisis at the southwest border. CBP’s March encounter numbers make it very clear the Biden Administration has lost complete control. We are seeing thousands of migrants crossing our border daily, with no sign of slowing down. It’s only April 2021, and we’ve already surpassed border encounters from the entirety of FY2020. As President Biden’s policies weaken the security of our southwest border, the cartels, criminals, smugglers, and coyotes are taking full advantage. The proof is in the numbers.

Download the latest edition of Homeland Republicans’ “Startling Stats” factsheet here.
