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Katko & Mayorkas Agree On Need For More Border Patrol Agents

March 19, 2021

Katko & Mayorkas Agree On Need For More Border Patrol Agents

WASHINGTON, DC – While the startling revelations that came out of this week’s hearing with Secretary Mayorkas only further revealed the extent of the growing crisis at the southern border, Ranking Member Katko and Secretary Mayorkas agreed on one key point – we desperately need more border patrol agents to stop the flow of unchecked illegal immigration at our southern border.

When discussing border agent force size, Rep. Carlos Gimemez (R-FL) asked, “Are you going to be asking for additional personnel in your budget request to the President?” Secretary Mayorkas responded, “Yes, I will be. Yes. I have.

The rightful need for more border patrol agents contradicts Mayorkas’ dubious claim that, “The border is secure, and it is not open.” However, the American people are seeing the disaster at the southern border for what it is – a full-fledged crisis.

During his trip to the border, Ranking Member Katko was told that over a hundred border patrol agents in that sector were pulled from patrolling the border to help process migrants at a center that had already reached capacity.

It’s time for the Biden Administration to stop dodging accountability and come to the table with Republicans to enact commonsense border security measures. We agree, more border patrol agents would be a great place to start.

More on the revelations that emerged from the hearing with Secretary Mayorkas here.
