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Crenshaw Opening Statement at Federal Protection Service Hearing

June 11, 2019

Crenshaw Opening Statement at Federal Protection Service Hearing

WASHINGTON – Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas), Oversight and Management Accountability Subcommittee ranking member, today delivered the following opening statement at a hearing entitled, “Federal Protective Service:  Ensuring the Mission Is Not Lost in Transition.”

I am pleased we are holding this hearing today to examine the transfer of the Federal Protective Service within the Department of Homeland Security. 

As the primary agency responsible for the protection of Federal facilities and the individuals that work and visit such facilities, it is important that FPS has the support it needs to carry out its mission.

It has been twenty-four years since the Oklahoma City bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. That horrific act killed 168 people, injured 680 others and destroyed much of the building itself. Until the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, this was the deadliest terrorist attack on U.S. soil.

As we approach the 25th anniversary of this tragedy, we are reminded of the important work that the men and women of FPS do each and every day to protect our federal buildings, and the people who work and visit these building each day.  

FPS is responsible for the protection of over nine thousand federal facilities.  The agency assesses the security of all federal facilities; develops protective measures for the buildings and their occupants; conducts K-9 searches for explosives; investigates crimes; engages with federal, state and local partners to share information; and assists DHS with security for special events.

As we review the decision on the best place to house this agency, we must keep in mind these important missions and ensure they will not be compromised. 

The Government Accountability Office has reviewed a number of possible placements and the Acting Secretary has decided to place FPS within the Department’s Management Directorate. As DHS transitions FPS for the third time, I am hopeful that FPS will finally find the right place to grow and mature as an agency.

Hopefully being housed in the Management Directorate will give FPS the opportunity to correct reported human resource and financial management issues and focus more clearly on its essential missions. 

I look forward to hearing from our witnesses today on how we can best support the missions of FPS.
