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Rogers Backs Bipartisan Effort to Boost Border Patrol Pay

April 30, 2019

Rogers Backs Bipartisan Effort to Boost Border Patrol Pay  

Top Homeland Republican Signs onto Cuellar’s Border Patrol Pay Security Act of 2019

WASHINGTON –Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee, today announced he is joining Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) in support of H.R. 2335, the Border Patrol Pay Security Act of 2019, which amends the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to reinstate Border Patrol agent compensation for overtime for certain hours of work.

“More manpower is desperately needed at our southwest border,” Rogers said. “The Border Patrol Pay Security Act will help ensure our Border agents are compensated adequately and on par with other law enforcement agencies. These changes will help address the major challenge Border Patrol is facing recruiting and retaining agents.”

An integral part of securing our borders starts with ensuring the men and women in green, who protect the American people every day, are properly compensated for their work. In recent years, the U.S. Border Patrol has faced severe recruitment and retention challenges due to the dangerous and demanding nature of the jobs they perform and its lack of pay parity with other federal law enforcement agencies. A substantial number of agents are either retiring or leaving for other law enforcement jobs that offer more stable work hours, overtime compensation, and in most cases, a less physically strenuous job.

“One of the biggest challenges facing CBP is the persistent recruitment and retention issue of front line law enforcement positions,” said Cuellar. “The Border Patrol’s recruitment and retention issue not only effects their ability to carry out our laws and keep our nation safe, it is impeding CBP’s ability to process legitimate trade and travel, increasing wait times at the Texas Ports of Entry (POEs), and decreasing U.S. economic competitiveness. Addressing pay parity for Border Patrol agents is part of my comprehensive effort to ensure that our border and ports of entry are fully staffed with high quality personnel and that they are well equipped to sufficiently execute their jobs.”





Contact: Nicole Hager
